Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Fly on a Leash

So has anyone else recently been experiencing this trend by employers to torture their staff besides  me?I know it sounds so harsh but man I tell you every week in my field I work in it seems there are more new rules,projects and changes that occur.I can honestly say the workload has increased a lot since when I first began as a nurse.
Just the other day I had finished up my med pass sat down to do my computer charting and one of the nurses mentioned in passing".Have you seen the new forms we have to fill out if someone falls?" She proceeded to tell me that it went from 4 pages to 10 pages that needed to be filled out on it.10!!!
The next night I went to my unit and observed another nurse diligently working on these papers.As I leaned over to see I noticed a drawing on her paper.What appeared to be a stick figure of a person lying on the side of their bed.Looked kind of like an ant I squashed the other day.I asked what was going on and observed what we now have to do.A drawing of the incident.The care giver has to write narrative on the residents life 3 hours prior to the fall.We have to explain what the psychological state the resident was in during the incident and determine why the incident occurred.
If we are unable to determine the cause or how it happened we are required to act out the scene.Also we are supposed to do a fall huddle.What came to my mind was a group of nurses in team jerseys in a circle.All of this because the State isn't happy.Our staff has been having difficulty  getting out on time due to the increased workload.Some have had to stay up to three ours past the time due out.The way they have decided to correct this problem is to give us points for it.If we accumulate too many we are written up.If we continue to have a problem we are fired.I know what you're thinking.Go speak to someone about the problem in the corporate offices.That's been done several times.What usually occurs is a close monitoring of your work. someone shadowing you.Being told you are innefficient.More write ups after they find the T you forgot to cross,and ...yep you guessed it...ding ding ding...you get fired.Actually what I heard is you get a choice of being fired or quitting and it has to be made on the spot.Then you have to sign a paper stating you quit or they fire you...lovely.OMG
Tonight when I came into my other job I was receiving report from the nurse leaving .We started to discuss how un user friendly the computer program was.Most of us were unable to gain access into the sight required to put our times in.Being home care we are required to do this via our smart phones or laptops.I have called several times when trying to gain access into the sight only to be transferred 4 times and then promised I would get a call back only to be left hanging.The call never came...I guess they were as frustrated as I was.
Have actually been written up for noncompliance due to not having access to the work sight.When I explain that I've tried I was told it wasn't their decision to write me up but somebody else higher up.When I asked who, they were unable to give me a name.Hmmm...
I told the staff person I was replacing it kinda reminded me of my brothers when they were little and would experiment torturing bugs.Oh let's see what happens when we do this.You're still alive???Well you've slowed down a little.Let's try pulling off a leg or two.Remember lassoing a fly with sewing thread and watch it fly around in circles on a leash?And then killing it when you were done being amused watching it go around in circles?You either let it die a slow painful death with the leash still on it or squished  it....Ohmigod I think we're the fly!

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